Proof of Social Media Capability: Social Media Influence

Proof of Capability is a natural thing for any potential client to request.

In Social Media there are a number of measures  of capability.

One is ‘Influence’.

Influence is borne of having key connections, relationships, fans, followers;

as well as being a peer of influencers;

and of influencing others who influence others.


It is also the result of creating orignial content, posting highly relevant content on a regular basis that influences the right people.

This content needs to be posted across a number of Social channels to be truly effective and to grow the influence score.

The content may be in several categories as you see in Tweet Twins chart here.


How do we determine who is a Social Media ‘Influencer’?

One of the Social Media tools (among several) is Peer Index.

Peer Index independently ranks a variety of factors to score influence.


As an example, here is a screenshot of one of their reports. This is Tweet Twins’ influence. It is Peer Index Social Influence score:

Peer Index Tweet Twins Jenny Wilmshurst

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